Friday, December 04, 2009


our beautiful baby girl is here...

london marie, 2 days old

london marie murphy
11.19.09, 4:12 pm
8 lbs, 20 inches

more posts + photos coming soon.
london is doing well, mom is recovering, and everyone needs a little sleep :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

the waiting game

here i am, 5 days past my due date... just waiting. and while i'm beyond excited to meet her, we've waited this long... i can keep on waiting until she's ready :)

photo from this weekend:


i'm sure i'll get some inappropriate comments, but you know what? i don't care :) i think i look amazing. we're both glowing. all of our hard work has paid off, and i'm proud of my body and our baby.

so for now, i'm just trying to keep busy. still working. still enjoying our time together. 2 weekends ago we went to frick park to enjoy the beautiful weather and snap a few shots before sunset. here's the belly in action, 4 days before our due date:

t minus 4 days and counting

and a family photo:

the murphys

also some more freezer paper onesies + homemade boppy cover (design matching shower invitations, and room theme):

more freezer paper stencils

stenciled boppy cover

now i just need to actually work on her quilt. its hard, i've made so many quilts that i've loved, that i feel like the one for our baby has to top those, design wise. its a lot of pressure! i will probably work on that during maternity leave, when i have the time and i can actually reach the sewing machine without her in the way ;) i'm going to do a modern quilt to match the nursery fabrics, possibly with some screen printing or bird stencils (a la boppy cover). then, i might do a vintage quilt. before my dad died, he gave me all of his quilting supplies and some pre-cut fabric squares. he even gave me all the pieces + patterns from my grandmother, so by vintage, i do mean "vintage". i think it will be sweet to give my baby a quilt from her grandparents...

i think its obvious to say at this point, i'm really missing my parents. i wish they were here for this. its so unfair, and i get so emotional now that we're getting so close. i've talked to my dad at the cemetery about this, which, well, isn't quite the same. my mom doesn't know who i am, let alone that i'm pregnant. its hard to go through this life changing event without my parents, but i am so lucky to have ian. he makes dinner, rubs my back... he even gives me pedicures. he's going to be a great dad :)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

5 weeks and counting

5 posts in one year... thats kinda sad. in the back of my mind i'm always saying "yea, i need to update my blog", but i hadn't realized how infrequent it had been. i can't promise anything, but we'll see if i can start to get back into the swing of things.

the most obvious event to blog about is our pregnancy. maybe thats why i've been a little hesitant. i announced the good news in may, but didn't really give the back story or follow up on anything. we'll, i'm at 34 1/2 weeks, so we have about 5 1/2 weeks til the due date. for the most part, its been a fairly easy pregnancy. much easier than actually *getting* pregnant.

here we are at 32 weeks:
sunday morning @ frick park

we had been trying for over a year and a half when i decided to see a fertility specialist. we were officially diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" back in july 2008. that was problem X that i would occasionally refer to in blog posts. we tried 3 cycles of medicated IUIs, with no luck. we tried another IUI with injectables and that didn't work. (at this point i should point out my extreme fear of needles and blood work. i was having bloodwork every week at this point, ian was giving me shots, it was no fun at all). after serious discussion, we decided to try IVF.

the process was much harder and stressful than i thought it would be. i was working FT and going to the doctor before work to get BW + ultrasounds done every other day. ian was giving me shots every night for about 2 weeks, and the 3rd week it was 2 shots a night. i remember laying on the couch one night after the shots, and a baby lotion commercial came on. i just started sobbing and asking how much more i could take. luckily, i responded well to the drugs and developed 13 eggs that were retrieved. 8 fertilized. 3 made it to the day of transfer. 1 little girl is on her way :) based on how hard it was to get pregnant, we kept things quiet for awhile. i'm technically considered "advanced maternal age" at 36. i've been terrified that something would go wrong this whole time. so its been a little hard to blog about. we wanted this for so long, and sometimes its hard to realize that it actually is happening.

everything is going well, and i'm feeling great (except for the nasty cold that just surfaced). we had our shower last weekend and we've been putting all the wonderful gifts in their respective places. i've been washing little blankets and baby clothes. and i've been knitting like crazy. baby sweaters are fun because they knit up quickly, and you can use stash yarn :)

offset wraplan, 3 months:
offset wraplan baby sweater

black cat hoodie:
black cat hoodie

i also made some freezer paper onesies:
completed onesies

she's already a rockstar :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


i believe the unofficial 6 month hiatus is over. i'm back. enjoying the sun, outdoors, life. all that fun stuff.

and finally... some good news!

poor sydney and tan cat are going to have to share the spotlight with a new little murphy. this little one will be 14 weeks tomorrow. after all the heartache, it truly is a wonderful change in our lives. we've been struggling to make this happen for over 2 years now, and had to rely on modern medicine. i believe my fear of needles is slowly being resolved :)

i'm beginning to believe that maybe every cloud does have a silver lining....