Saturday, November 01, 2008


this past month has been a busy one, and i haven't had the time to post. but, everytime i open up my homepage and see that photo of my dad from the last post... well, its just making me sad, so here goes a quick photo post of our adventures a few weeks ago.

in keeping with our "lets get out and enjoy this fall weather" we went to ohiopyle a few weekends ago. we both had been working heavily during the week, so it was really nice to get away, even if just for the day. it was a fun drive, even with the bad traffic, and the scenery was amazing. we stopped for coffee and had lunch, then made our way over to "downtown ohiopyle" to do a little hiking. we took sydney with us and she enjoyed herself too!

we crossed bridges:
path to relaxation

we walked trails:
ohiopyle hiking

we hiked rocks + waterfalls:
cucumber waterfall

i snuggled sydney:
puppy kisses

and took closeups of ferns:
fernleaf trail

a good day was had by all. i doubt we'll get another nice (work-free) weekend anytime soon, so i'm happy that we had the chance for our tiny roadtrip. tomorrow we'll be doing a little road-tripping as we drive up to grove city to meet my mom, sister and nephew for lunch. i haven't seen my mom in quite a few weeks, so i appreciate that we're able to meet halfway on a busy weekend so i can spend some time with her.

tonight we're off to another halloween party, so i've got a little transformation to take care of. in the meantime, enjoy this photo of our last celebrated halloween, in 2006. (last year, well, lets just say there was no celebrating going on...)

as hard as i try, i just can't quit him. or his handlebar mustache. a girl has got to be pretty secure in her femininity to dress as a gay cowboy, but i think i rocked it. a few previous years on flickr as well :)

halloween 2006

tonights outfit will be a little more dark. photos to follow.

Friday, October 10, 2008

we'll meet again

1 year can go by both quickly and slowly. its been that kind of year. as i've mentioned before, sometimes its the little things. while i miss my dad every day, sometimes, its one little thing that can hit you like a brick and either bring sadness or a smile. it can be the smell of concord grapes, hearing a song from his funeral on a random tv show, or something totally random that only he and i would know about.

theres this one dream that i repeatedly have had this past year, and this is the closest image i can find that matches how he appears. i'm always sitting in our old living room, in the wooden rocking chair, (maybe 2001-2002 ish) and he walks thru the front door wearing his olive green work clothes carrying a paper bag of groceries. no oxygen, no paleness, just healthy and tan. and the sun is shining.

theres not much i can say about today. just that i miss you terribly daddy.




We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through, just like you always do,
'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

2 years and counting

ah, so young... our first photo taken together, sometime in march 2002, during the first trip home to meet my parents.

2002, flashback

on the morning of our wedding, ian had to pick up my dad's tux pants in monroeville and drop them off at our hotel. he also brought a dozen krispy kreme donuts (1 boston creme for me) and a hot tea from starbucks, because i had been nursing a horrible chest cold all week. its the little things. i still have that kk receipt, from 8:45am :)

happy 2 years ian :) here's to many more *clink clink*.

ETA: real anniversary photo to make up for ridiculous other photo.


Monday, October 06, 2008

a week in photos

fall is here... its my favorite time of year. i've been waiting months for it. the crispness of the air, the warming of the leaves, the smell of autumn. something you can't quite explain. a feeling that makes me want to trade in my iced tea for a warm latte in the morning, a summer beer for a glass of reisling, the tank tops for sweaters. this season has always been like the "new year" to me, when its time for a change. i'm ready for it.

we've decided to take the month of october off from any house remodeling. we basically took september off, but that doesn't count ;) we only have a few more things to finish up, so once we get back on track this winter, the house may be ready for the market in spring/early summer. we will see.

now with all this free time on our hands, we're trying to spend as much of it outside as possible, enjoying the weather and watching the leaves change. they're starting to, and just that brightens my outlook. i pretty much missed this whole season last year, so its nice to be able to enjoy it again. last weekend we went to oktoberfest at penn brewery. it was fun, but crazy crowded. ridiculously crowded. and the smell of sauerkraut everywhere. sunday morning we made croissants from trader joes, coffee, and headed out for errands and some open houses. we check out the swissvale houses for comparison (our house is looking very good compared to whats on the market), then we checked out some potential neighborhoods. we've visited forest hills, blackridge/churchill, mostly the east end/suburbs-ish areas. we'll continue to explore the areas... we've got time :)

this weekend was nice and very relaxing. i'm glad it warmed up a little bit too :) on saturday we had more errands to run, and made our way out towards monroeville. we headed a little further east, and went to schramm's farms for the start of their fall festival. we did some shopping at the market, and i was stopped in my tracks. i had walked by some concord grapes. wow... i was taken back to my parents house in erie, where we grew them in the backyard. my parents made their own grape jelly and grape juice, and the smell is so powerful. i had to buy some :) we strolled thru the pumpkin patch, picking out some winners that we'll carve later this month.


pumpkin pickin'

we ended the day at shady grove for some onion soup and sandwiches. i'm totally digging their website. very nice.

on sunday, ian ran our recycling over to construction junction, then we headed over to frick park with sydney for a long walk. its going to be beautiful in another week or 2, when the leaves are really changing.

frick park

frick park

aimee + syd @ frick

after the walk, we took sydney to the self-serve dog wash in wilkinsburg. it was convenient, and timed, so we were able to wash her more quickly than in the tub at home. however, they don't say that the air-dryer is COLD. poor syd was whimpering the whole time, but we had to get her somewhat dry before getting back in the car. next time we'll bring towels and smocks. we got a little soaked.

self-serve dog wash

the night was capped off, by, of course, marshmallow roasting outside. it was super chilly, but the fire was warm and the treats were tasty. and while i don't completely like this photo, i think it conveys the toasty warm feeling of the night.


in other news, tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary. damn!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

its a brand new day

so i'm sure everyone has already seen this, but just wanted to share the link because its so entertaining :) NPH ... amazing singer. and the songs are catchy too.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

cables and bobbles, in green

i finally have photos of a finished knit, so here goes:

Aran Crossover Top (by Mari Lynn Patrick), from vogue knitting 2005
yarn: Valley Yarns Longmeadow, roughly 6 skeins, with a few scraps left over
modifications: used smaller needles + gauge to downsize pattern to XS. knit S/M sized sleeves to account for my massive biceps. skipped the long wrap ties and used a button + snap closure instead. i love it!
details on my ravelry page

aimee + sydney

aran crossover top

aran crossover top, back

hmm... what else is going on? we've taken the past few weeks off from any house remodeling. its been a much needed breather and we don't know what to do with all our free time. last weekend we dusted off the bikes and cleaned them up and put air in the tires. we've been enjoying some s'mores times in the evenings. last night we went mini-golfing where i kicked ian's ass by 9 points. pars. strokes. whatever! but doesn't he look triumphant? unfortunately, all my winning shots were blurry. i think he did that on purpose. (and no sheila, i did not cheat.)

hole in 1, err.. 5

the funny thing is, i was totally distracted during our games. first, they were playing some really good 80s music. and second, there was a dairy queen next door and the peanut buster parfait was calling my name. it goes without saying how pissed i was to find out that it was closed by the time we made it over there. at 9:30! instead, we headed over to madmex for a mexican brownie sundae. delicious :) now i've got some thoughts on making a mexican chocolate s'more.....

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

this old wound

sigh. where to even begin? the good or the bad? sometimes its just too much. i've had a totally shitty year and i'm just tired of it. (and yes, i realize there are people much worse off than me, but i'm not writing to complain or get sympathy. and i also realize that only like 4.2 people read my blog and already know about all this crap, so i apologize.) i just need to vent. we don't have any demo work left to do on the house, and i don't have a punching bag (yet), so i need somewhere to left off some [vocal] steam.

my uncle died last week; my mom's brother, my only blood relative uncle. 2 months after his sister died. i guess this might be the only time i could find the positive in my mom having alzheimers. i drove back and forth to erie on thursday for the funeral. i'm so tired of them. what i'm having problems with is that i feel like i'm unable to grieve for the person who has just died because the funerals just bring back reminders of my dad, and the wound is open again. at my uncles funeral, the pastor who did my dads spoke a few words. my dad and uncle used to volunteer together for quite a few years, working at a food bank, building for them, etc. the pastor mentioned my dad, which i thought was very nice, until he brought up the point that he would volunteer, with his oxygen tank, until "his illness got the best of him" and how we had "just buried him a year ago". it was unexpected and difficult to hear.

the drive home sucked, as they usually do. not only was i tired and sad, with a crappily made starbucks drink, i couldn't get my mind and the memories to stop. i repeat, this year has totally sucked. in the past year, we've had to clean out and sell my childhood home that my dad and his dad built. i lost my dad. we moved my mom into a dementia unit nursing home. i lost my aunt. i lost my uncle. i lost my cat. i'm dealing with problem X that i'm not quite ready to blog about. i've technically "lost" my mom. i had a stupid heavy landscaping beam fall on my foot. can i please get a break god?? i know that all of this had made me realize that i'm stronger than i thought, but... i'm good. really. any more and i just might break.

(end of venting. blogging continues.)

this past weekend, i learned how to drive/steer/pilot(?) a pontoon boat. hows that for good news? i keep saying boat pilot, which just makes me giggle. the in-laws bought a lake house in ohio this summer and we finally managed a free weekend to make the 1.5 hr trek out there. it was chilly, and i wish i had brought a sweater. or worn long pants. and not tried out the icky starbucks oatmeal that morning. but it really was a relaxing and a nice break. its a cute little house at the end of wooded drive (several other house are there, but theirs is at the end, next to a hiking/wooded area), and right on the lake. after a little tour, we walked down to the lake and fired up the pontoon boat. since it was overcast and chilly, there weren't alot of people out, other than a few fishing boats. it was peaceful, secluded and very beautiful. lots of blue herons out in the marshes. we're definitely going back in a few weeks once the leaves start to change.

maybe some knitting photos in the next post. i finished my sweater and need to get some shots of it modeled, but hopefully i will be in a better mood for that tomorrow.


well i've been bleeding well from this old wound.
cleaning it with salt, so it will still feel new.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


last weekend we managed to get a lot done on the house. and i realized that there is something i hate more than skip troweling... sanding! it was my job to sand + repaint the stairwell banister. it had close to 3 layers of paint (badly done) with drips and globs everywhere. had to sand all that off. my hand was cramped so badly, i had to take a few days off knitting :( then painting it was horrible, trying to reach between all the spindles. had it not been painted originally, i would have loved to have stained it, but it wasn't possible. i have one coat done, one to go. its a little dreary out today, so i can't see well enough to do the 2nd coat.

ian worked on sanding the stairs and painting those. we've used extra laminate to replace the risers and it looks great! we have another coat or 2 of poly to put on the stairs; thats always interesting with a curious cat and dog in the house. baby gate time for a few hours.

here are some before + after pics of the stairs:

we also finished up the spare room and hallway/landing/trimming. we still have to move the furniture around before taking some "after" shots. debating on picking up a sleeper sofa/futon/something for any guests that may visit. or as a super-sized cat bed.

we also did some outdoor work until the lawnmower broke. sigh. we've been so busy, we haven't had a chance to get it out to sears this week, but the yard is badly in need of a mowing. [is that even grammatically correct??] its still under warranty, so hopefully we can get that fixed, pronto!

then, lets see... the tivo breaks. (also still under warranty, thank you). we turn it on and the screen says something crazy like "serious problems found. will take 3 hours to self-repair. blah blah blah". it keeps rebooting itself or freezing, so we'll need to take that in too.

and then, of course, my new-ish sewing machine breaks. wtf! this is somewhat still under warranty. its an electronic one and the lcd screen turned dark. so i have no idea what stitches/settings im using. i have to pay to send it to the manufacturer, and let them fix it for 4-6 weeks. so aggravating.

but, i did manage to make a quilt with it on the fritz. i pieced together the top and bottom before the "break". i came up with a random squares design. i was gifting it to the walters, for their baby girl, due in october. they were doing a gender-neutral colored nursery, with butter yellow and espresso colors. i wanted to make something hip and modern, and i hope that i did! i quilted and did the binding after the machine breakdown, so the binding is a little uneven. sorry! i really need to practice on that. here's some pics:

ian managed to get the rainbarrel hooked up, just in time for all this rainy weather. need to switch the hoses around and see how much water we'll be able to use. and yea, we also have a compost barrel :) we'll see how well that works out. (on a side note, our garbage amount has gone down considerably since using that this year, in addition to recycling everything we can. our goal is 1 bag of garbage a week, with the exception of any building materials that can't be reused.)

on that note, i guess i should go paint something. or not sew something. ooh, or make lunch.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

wally world

this past weekend, ian and i went up to erie. after visiting my mom when we got in saturday morning, we had a day to ourselves, which is a rarity. so on a sunny summer saturday in erie, what else is there to do but go to waldameer and eat funnel cakes? it was a crazy busy day there, but it was entertaining. we rode a handful of rides, and didn't mind the wait. it was fun to just relax and enjoy ourselves for once. we *did* eat a delicious funnel cake, but limited it to that after a few spinny rides.

spider futab:
spider futab

i hate this ride with a passion. the last time i rode i thought i was going to fall out and it wouldn't stop spinning. i didn't learn my lesson!



later in the day we took a leisurely drive around presque isle. it was really relaxing and beautiful. we met penny and cj and walked on the beach and watched the beginning of the sunset. (we were starving by that point and had to leave. man can not live on funnel cakes alone. i wish.)

presque isle

my rockstar husband basking in the glow of the sunset:

rockstar sunset

i also manga'd us last week. does it look like us?


now that we're back in town, we need to get back to work on the house. we've got a list of things to finish up in the next few weeks. i've also managed to do some more knitting on that little cabled cardigan; the body is done, and i'm on to the sleeves. maybe photos in the next post.

ok, thats it for now. time for real work :(

Thursday, August 14, 2008

ketchup vandalism

not much to update on, but i figured my last post wasn't much of a "post" was it? last weekend we took saturday off. we've been dealing with some personal stuff and needed a day off to just relax and enjoy ourselves. we had a lazy morning then headed out to robinson to do some shopping. we don't make it out there very often, but wanted to see what new stuff was at ikea and do a little shopping.

ikea has been reorganized, and i didn't like it. maybe because of the thousands of people there who were "back to school" shopping, but i found it irritating, and not enjoyable like i had hoped. so we worked our way over to the mall, and decided to relax in the sun at houlihans. not my favorite place, but their outdoor dining was pretty empty around 3, so we grabbed an appetizer and a drink and started to relax. after that, we mosied thru the mall feeling old. on a whim, i thought i would check out aeropostale. yes, i'm 35 and about 20 years too old to be shopping there. i already know that. surprisingly, the jeans were very well fitting and i found this adorable sweater vest. seriously, how cute is this?!

now i'm actually looking forward to the weather getting cooler so i can wear it :) after that it was uneventful window shopping. we headed over to bahama breeze for dinner and sat outside on their patio. a relaxing way to start the evening with a slight reminder of our honeymoon. and a strong reminder of our need for a vacation. we really need to get away, but it's not practical at the moment. i know vacations aren't supposed to be "practical", however..... we'll start planning to plan one soon. we've been debating going back to montreal (it would be my 4th/ian's 2nd trip there) and it is beautiful in the fall/winter. a lazy tropical beach vacation would be nice, but those do get boring after awhile. we've still got awhile to figure something out.

we did a lot of work on sunday. we painted the doors, installed the hardware and trimmed out the room/hallway. we finished installing the flooring in the hallway. ian installed the 2nd window in the spare room. we did a little more landscaping and picked up 2 barrels to convert into rainbarrels. hopefully we'll get to that in the next few days. we've been doing a little work in the evenings and hope to get the spare room finished soon. pictures will come after that. then... its on to the stairwell...

sigh. today started off badly. ian was up early so he offered to move my car around back to the parking pad before street cleaning. he came back in to tell me that our cars had been vandalized. i guess thats the right word. someone had squirted ketchup on his truck and something liquid-y had been thrown all over the drivers side of my car. looked to be something like milk/milkshake-y. who carries around a bottle of ketchup??? and then whats even more ridiculous... who on earth would waste a perfectly good milkshake?!? crazy kids.

Monday, August 04, 2008


the past week has been a busy one, and i just haven't felt like writing.

we did some landscaping.

"before": dirt

"after"-ish shot

we installed a continuous new floor in the upstairs/hallway/spare room:
spare bedroom new floor

i knit:
aran progress

we roasted marshmallows and made smores:
firepit in action

thats it for now :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

that'll do pig, that'll do

where to begin... hmm... last weekend we made some progress on the interior of the house. ian finished skip-troweling + painting the main level + top level staircase, along with the main floor landing. he has to cut in the paint sometime this week, but that won't take long. i primed a tiny crawl-space storage area we have. its an interesting feature of the house... on the top floor, there is a pull down "drawbridge" type ladder that accesses a storage space. we don't use our tiny attic, so this is very handy. i need to finish painting it sometime this week as well. we're going to be installing a cedar ceiling in there too. once all of that is finished, i need to move all of my crap back into that space so we can install the flooring in the hallway/spareroom. no photos yet... painted walls aren't very exciting :) i'll wait until the floor is down and the new doors are in.

on saturday we visited a few nurseries to plan the landscaping of the back yard. looking out on the deck, we have a chain link fence to the right that offers no privacy, so we need to figure out a solution for that. we've got a few ideas, and will make a trip back out there [possibly tomorrow night?] to load up the truck with some new plants/trees/shrubs. i love working in the yard, so i'm looking forward to that on saturday.

black cat got another steroid shot last week... thursday i think. she was doing well... but still not eating alot. she had 2 seizures a few days before getting the shot. the vet thinks the cancer had spread and that she had a tumor in her brain, which was causing neurological problems. he kept stressing that she wasn't in pain, but the steroid shot would help. which it did, for a little while. on monday she was up and about... she made her way down the stairs to find me in my office and curled up on my lap for a bit. she went over to sniff sydney while she was sleeping which was really cute. she slept most of the day.

black cat

that evening after dinner, i came downstairs to find her sitting on a rug next to the washing machine. something seemed "off"... and i realize she didn't have the energy to make it upstairs. i brought her upstairs and tried to get her to eat... and thats when we knew. it wasn't going to be much longer. i won't go into details, but it was a sad thing to watch her getting weaker. the other odd thing was tan cat's reaction. they get along wonderfully, but he started coming over to hiss at black cat. and tan cat is not a hisser. i guess that was another sign. we kept black cat on the couch with us for a few hours to watch over her. then, we brought her upstairs and made a little blanket bed for her on the floor. she made a few little meows thru the night, but around 3:30 woke us up, and we were there to take care of her. it was horribly sad and heartbreaking. i don't know what was worse... being there watching our cat die, or burying her in the yard the next day. i am just so tired of death and losing people (things/animals/whatever) close to me.

i've thrown myself into another knitting project to occupy my mind. i'm sure going to the gym would be more productive, but one step at a time. i've started on a cropped cabled wrap sweater... i can't find any photos of it online, since the pattern is from vogue knitting 2005, but its so cute. here's the ravelry link. its a great pattern thats keeping my interest, and its coming along so quickly. i'm using valley yarn's longmeadow yarn which is perfect for cabling work. its so squishy :)

aran crossover top

its an easy cable pattern to memorize, which makes it great tv knitting. last night we threw in a movie instead. i haven't seen babe in years, and i forgot how much i loved that movie. its so sweet, and a little sad, but it was a good movie to watch after losing black cat. everyone should go and rent it this weekend. it can do wonders.

Monday, July 14, 2008

plan b

or, why we had to build a deck instead of a patio. frustration. so, back in may we started our backyard patio. after a long weekend of mixing and pouring the concrete pavers, we waited for another sunny weekend. and waited, and waited. during that time, as the rain washed away some of the leveled yard, we noticed little holes appearing, that became a little bigger. we started to dig a little, then a little more, and realized we either had some mole holes or gophers or something like that. whatever it was, we realized that building a patio on top of that may not be the smartest idea. so we threw some smoke bomb type things down the holes and started planning "plan b".

plan B

plan b is now a low slung deck. last weekend, we started framing the deck and preparing the site. ian started digging postholes while i slowly transported the existing patio. it seemed like such a waste of time and money to just put the deck over it, so we decided to move it to the side of the house. our house is built into a hill, and we have stairs on the side of the house, going from the front of the house, down to the back yard. at the base, there is poured concrete that we would need to replace anyways. now, it has a nice cobblestone paved landing, which houses our garbage cans nicely.

side stairwell

we had wonderful weather this weekend, so we were back to work saturday morning [after our sad vet trip :( .] by the end of the day saturday, we had all of the decking laid. ian would measure and cut the pieces, while i nail-gunned them into place. i only had one mishap and shot a nail across the deck and hit the firepit. thank god ian and sydney were not in the firing path! i need to work on my angle-shooting skills :) this is what we had by the end of the day:

deck in progress

on sunday, ian finished the trim, and trimmed off the ends of the deck sticking past the firepit side. we really need to figure out our landscaping beside the deck tho. it looks a little barren. we'd like some sort of privacy along the chain link side too. i'll need to get some finished deck photos sometime this week. we have moved the grill out back and have definite plans for outdoor dining this week. is it wrong that i want to buy a little leash for black cat and bring her outside to enjoy the sun?

for the knitterly readers, ugh... another plan b. a few months ago, i started knitting a picovoli/tivoli by grumperina. i finished it a week or so ago, and went to try it on. the damn fabric is biasing. which i guess on a normal top might not be so noticeable, but with the highlight of this top being the increase/decrease seams, its way too obvious. at least to me.

tivoli problems

from the comments i've received, its because of this type of yarn, being knit in the round in stockinette. its a wonderful finished fabric, but i think this is going to need a plan b of its own. probably another summer type tank, NOT knit in the round. maybe the tuxedo tank from interweave knits? this one makes the pattern actually look cool, plus her hair is totally rockin'.

time for me to go check on black cat and see if i can coax her to eat some food. its gonna be a long sad week.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


i don't even know where to start. last weekend we had some "issues" with the patio. the easiest thing to do was scrap the patio and start over. we've made major progress since then [a completed deck!], but i'll save that post for later this week. i need to charge the camera and all that stuff. plus, i'm just not in the mood, i've got other things occupying my mind.

a few months ago, we noticed that something was wrong with black cat. she wasn't jumping up on things as much as she used to and was being a little more affectionate than normal. she's not much of a lap cat, but she started wanted to cuddle on the couch with us, or sleep right next to me when going to bed. we thought maybe it was her aging, as she would be turning 9 in september. then we realized she was slowly losing weight, and was getting a little bony, even tho she was eating. i got her into the vet on wednesday and they ran the standard blood tests. no feline leukemia, no feline hiv, no diabetes or kidney problems, but a little anemic. based on her weight loss [she went from 8,8 to 6,3! she's so tiny!], the vet decided to run some more blood tests, and sent us home with some antibiotics.

on friday i got the results. after finding that she had something abnormal with her white cells, the blood was sent to a pathologist. black cat has leukemia. [the cancer, not the cat virus]. and there's nothing we can do. we took her into the vet on saturday to get a steroid shot, which *might* improve her quality of life. he's hoping it will stimulate her appetite so she will get some energy back. the vet is giving her anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks.

i've had enough bad news :(


Thursday, July 03, 2008

this side down.

its been a busy week, as usual, but i figured i was taking a break to post photos to flickr, i may as well write about them. first of all... july?? how is it july already? my birthday was just last week, wasn't it? sigh.

in spite of everything thats been going on in our personal lives, we've been wanting to keep busy. busy-ness is a good distraction. ian has been a real trouper and is getting a lot done on the stairwell. we have a 3 floor house [plus basement] so we have a 2 level stairwell [main floor to top; main floor to bottom] and each has a landing in the middle. right now we're focusing on the top stairwell so we can finish putting the floor down in the spare room and landing. confused yet? last year when we remodeled the master bedroom, we stopped the flooring at the doorway and have been patiently waiting since then to finish it. its going to be a continuous floor over the 2 bedrooms and hallway. the floor was really gross before moving in:

top floor landing: BEFORE

top floor landing: BEFORE

the stairwell wasn't in much better shape:
top floor stairwell

top floor stairwell

those lumpy patches on the wall? we found out those were cereal box patches. no wonder the wall was all wobbly and squishy feeling.

over the past few days, ian has given up going to the gym after work to patch the stairwell and skim coat it. talk about dedication!

stairwell progress

after 1st skim coat

we need to re-drywall the ceiling on the top floor hallway before we can do anymore drywall finishing. if all goes well, we can get this done over the next few days [especially if the forecast calls for rain], and have it skip-trowelled and painted soon. i'm just anxious to get the extra flooring out of walk-in closet and installed in the hallway/spare room.

and while we'd like to finish up the hallway, we're praying for no rain this weekend so we can finally get back to work on the patio, but the forecast isn't looking good so far. its getting frustrating waiting for a full day of sunshine to finish it. more than likely we'll have to put in a 12 hour day on the next sunny day just "in case". yay!

and on a completely unrelated and totally embarrassing [for me] note... haim and "feldog" share the news that they were both molested/raped by a friend of feldmans??? hmm... any thoughts on this one? sadly, probably no, because i highly doubt anyone else watches this show. its like watching a train wreck, but highly entertaining. ok, not really entertaining....

this side down